Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Title: Love

By Edwin Morgan

Love rules. Love laughs. Love marches. Love
is the wolf that guards the gate.
Love is the food of music, art, poetry. It
fills us and fuels us and fires us to create.
Love is terror. Love is sweat. Love is bashed
pillow, crumpled sheet, unenviable fate.
Love is the honour that kills and saves and nothing
will ever let that high ambiguity abate.
Love is the crushed ice that tingles and shivers
and clinks fidgin-fain for the sugar-drenched
absinth to fall on it and alter its state.
With love you send a probe
So far from the globe
No one can name the shoals the voids the belts the
zones the drags the flares it signals all to
leave all and to navigate.

From Love and a Life (Glasgow: Mariscat, 2003).

1 comment:

siti* said...

hey girl! been reading through your entries. really really truly refreshing in the signature-faith-write-in-bursts-style. hahahh.

and i dunno, kinda struck me as encouraging in some sorta way, like there's still hope for humankind after all, despite all the madness and sadness and the wars and the natural disasters and the HIV and flu and every other medical epidemic in this crazy planet we call earth.

thanks truckloads for that dearie. =D

cya soon!